{Year 12 Russia and the Soviet Union}: The February Revolution

Tick 'February Revolution - A Source Study' off your 'to do' list!
This teaching resource on the 100th anniversary of the February Revolution consists of a Source Study with primary and secondary sources.
Eight historical sources provide students with an avenue to sharpen their skills for the Source Study section of the ATAR course examination. The sources come from both key players of the revolution and from historians. As such students will have an opportunity to examine differing points of view or perspectives. A series of questions akin to the those posed in both Units 3 and 4 will be used to elicit higher order thinking. Finally, students are presented with three historians' perspectives on the February Revolution. This should give them an opportunity to address the concept of 'contestability' in history.
This resource can be used in two ways. Firstly, teachers can use it as an avenue for students to conduct a mini investigation into the February Revolution. Secondly, it can be used to consolidate student knowledge and understanding of the Revolution whilst providing students with some practice in addressing source-based questions.
You will find this teaching resource here.


{Year 12 Russia and the Soviet Union}: The Leadership Struggle

This 8-page resource consists of twelve historical sources on the leadership struggle including varying perspectives from historians such as Pipes and Volkogonov. The resource encourages students to explore the reasons for Stalin's success in the leadership struggle and the significance of the struggle. Students are provided with a series of questions akin to the questions which appeared in both Unit 3 and Unit 4 source sets in the 2016 WACE exam.
This teaching resource is designed to be printed as an A3 booklet and can be used in a Flipped Classroom. Students can read their text on the Leadership Struggle at home, make notes and come to class prepared to discuss and debate the issues which arise in the carefully selected sources in their booklet. You will find this teaching resource on the Products Page.


{Russia and the Soviet Union}: Source Study Set 2

Source Study Set Two is based on the force of international relations. The Modern History ATAR paper was written strictly according the design brief set by SCSA and is accompanied by a marking key. It therefore consists of four sources including a cartoon, a poster and two written sources. The questions mirror those provided to teachers in the Sample paper. This set will provide your students with a valuable practice session prior to either the Mock Examinations or the final ATAR Examination. Download your printable copy here!


{Year 12 Russia and the Soviet Union}: Source Study Set One - FREE

Source Study Set One has been 're-packaged' from the Semester One Examination (2016) produced by Hooked on Humanities. The Modern History ATAR paper was written strictly according the design brief set by SCSA and is accompanied by a marking key. You are welcome to download Source Set One for your students in preparation for the Mock Examinations later in the year and for the final ATAR Modern History Examination. You can download your free copy of Year 12 Russia and the Soviet Union Source Set One here.


{Review}: Seventeen Moments in Soviet History

Seventeen Moments in Soviet History is digital archive created by James von Geldern and Lewis Siegelbaum. The website received funding from the U.S. educational grant, National Endowment for the Humanities. The archive begins with the February Revolution of 1917 and concludes in 1991 with the collapse of the Soviet Union. As such, it is an excellent resource for students studying Russia and the Soviet Union 1914-1945 and The Changing European World Since 1945.
Every event begins with a subject essay which will provide students with an excellent historical narrative. These are supported with written and visual primary sources. Students will be able to navigate through this website easily and could well become their 'go-to' site. You will find this outstanding resource here.