{Year 12 Russia and the Soviet Union}: The February Revolution

Tick 'February Revolution - A Source Study' off your 'to do' list!
This teaching resource on the 100th anniversary of the February Revolution consists of a Source Study with primary and secondary sources.
Eight historical sources provide students with an avenue to sharpen their skills for the Source Study section of the ATAR course examination. The sources come from both key players of the revolution and from historians. As such students will have an opportunity to examine differing points of view or perspectives. A series of questions akin to the those posed in both Units 3 and 4 will be used to elicit higher order thinking. Finally, students are presented with three historians' perspectives on the February Revolution. This should give them an opportunity to address the concept of 'contestability' in history.
This resource can be used in two ways. Firstly, teachers can use it as an avenue for students to conduct a mini investigation into the February Revolution. Secondly, it can be used to consolidate student knowledge and understanding of the Revolution whilst providing students with some practice in addressing source-based questions.
You will find this teaching resource here.