{Year 11}: The New Deal - Resource Review

This fabulous 8-page teaching resource was created by the Library of Congress. It provides a time line of major events related to the New Deal. The resource contains carefully selected primary sources which relate to the nature of the New Deal. Students create a collage using images and quotes to gain an understanding of the scale and creativity implicit in FDR's New Deal. You can download a PDF copy of this resource here.


{Year 5}: Needs and Wants

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The idea of needs and wants forms the basis of economics. It important for students to gain a working understanding of these ideas, particularly that the nature of a person's needs and wants depend on their economic circumstances.
This teaching resource for the Year 5 unit Wants, Resources and Choices, provides the opportunity to engage students in their acquisition of knowledge through a variety of activities. It is envisaged that students will enjoy the craft element of the activity and as well as the quiet reflection at the conclusion of the activity. We hope teachers and students enjoy this 3-page resource which you will find here.



{Year 6}: Australian Citizenship - Individual Experiences

Immigration-Australian citizenship and naturalisation ceremonies - Greek Orthodox Primate becomes an Australian. 1979. National Archives of Australia: A12111, 2/1979/12A/1

Immigration-Australian citizenship and naturalisation ceremonies - Greek Orthodox Primate becomes an Australian. 1979. National Archives of Australia: A12111, 2/1979/12A/1

According to The West Australian, 3,069 people from 109 countries became Australian citizens on Australia Day 2016. People had come under varying circumstances from countries such as South Sudan, the Philippines and Russia. They had come for safety, freedom, security, happiness and love.
This 2-page resource for the Year 6 unit Australia's System of Government and Citizenship, is designed to encourage student empathy for the experiences of others and respond personally. You will be able to download this resource here.


{Year 6}: Citizenship Pledge

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It seems timely for us to consider Australian Citizenship as many new Australians emerged from Citizenship ceremonies across Australia on January 26. The new Civics and Citizenship course is exciting and lends itself to creative teaching and learning experiences. As we consider the final content descriptor in the Year 6 course, Australia's System of Government and Citizenship, it is anticipated that students will gain a better understanding of what it means to be Australian.
To explore how people become Australian citizens, teachers will find the summary prepared by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection most useful and easily accessible to their students.
The 3-page resource prepared for the second half revolves around building an understanding of the Australian citizenship pledge and the formal rights and responsibilities of Australian citizenship. You can download this resource from here.



{REVIEW}: Civics and Citizenship Resource

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Discovering Democracy resource kits were distributed to schools in 1998 and included teaching and learning programs which revolved around four themes:
• Who Rules?
• Laws and Rights
• The Australian Nation
• Citizens and Public Life
Primary and secondary school teachers can access all materials from the Discovering Democracy website.
As teachers throughout Western Australia begin planning and teaching the new Civics and Citizenship units, this will prove to be an invaluable resource.